The Department of mathematics of Sri Ramkrishna Sarada Vidyamahapitha Started with University Entrance of one year from 1 st july 1959 with one full time teacher Prof Binod Maity and from 10 th November 1964 General course was offered under University of Burdwan.The Honours Course was started from 24 th april 1975 under the same University. At present the Department maintained by three Assistant Professor and three SACT teachers.
The Programme offered by the Department as of now is :
3-Year Degree /4-Year Honours in Mathematics Under Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programme (CCFUP) with effect from 2023-24 session under The University of Burdwan.
Bachelor of science in Mathematics (Hons) under the semester system under CBCS scheme with effect from 2017-18 session under The University of Burdwan.
Bachelor of science in Mathematics (Gen) under the Semester system scheme under The University of Burdwan .